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Bridal hair & makeup coach

in your own, authentic way!"


15 years experience


as a bridal Hair & Makeup specialist, with my own award winning team of 20

1:1 support!


Personalised support for YOU, to align with your lifestyle & your business goals

On going mentoring 

available for your full support, guidance and accountability

FREE discovery call

To get to know you and your goals.

business coach

Hair & Makeup Artists......

If you are looking for more freedom in your life to do the things you love, to quit that side job you hate, and start putting your love and energy into your own business for a better quality of life........

then I'm your girl! 

I will give you the tools, knowledge and mindset you need, to break free from your limiting beliefs and help you create a bridal business you love, true to YOU and your goals! 

I'm not a 'get rich quick' coach, instead I help you build sustainable habits and strategies, cut through the noise, challenge your mindset, elevate your business & get off the hamster wheel!..... The money will follow! 

The life we want is available, you just need to know where to channel your time and which areas of your business will get you there!

You found me for a reason!!!

Why book a coach?

In a world where social media and perfection is at the forefront of the beauty industry, you can absorb

so much noise, so many conflicting opinions and ideas and constantly compare your business to someone

else's. We can loose ourselves and our brand messaging, while we try to compete and keep up with competitors,

influencers and trends!


It's a lot right!!!??? This only Leaves us feeling defeated, falling out of love with our business and never attracting our ideal clients........or worse.......we don't even get started! You loose yourself, your awesomeness and your uniqueness!

Booking a coach can help you cut out the noise, get clear about who you are as a brand, challenge your mindset and break free from the false beliefs getting in your way, giving you the confidence to start attracting the clients you need to be able to step back and breath again! 

Book your FREE discovery call now and see how we can work together on your business!

"I had a month’s business mentoring from Claire and my business and mindset has pivoted to a new level. Not only that but my self belief and worth has sky rocketed.
I am so grateful that I met Claire and the opportunities that have come about since. If you are looking to take your business to the next level, and see what truly works in the industry, look now further, Claire is your saving grace!!"
bridal makeup artist coaching

Jo Says......

You found me because .....
  • You want to finally quit your job and do weddings full time!

  • You're feeling flat and your confidence in your business is low

  • You're not attracting your ideal clients and are still getting requested to do other artists looks that you don't like

  • You're are constantly being ghosted 

  • You're inbox is looking bare

  • You're unsure about how to make profit during the 'off' season

  • You're getting lots of leads but not enough deposits!

  • You're struggling to connect to your community on social media and don't know how to market yourself effectively

hair and makeup artist business coach
business mindset
i know how hard it is when.....

  • You have so many ideas and goals, but not enough time to implement any of them

  • Your having to work so much but still cant make a decent profit and have no free time

  • Your stuck on a hamster wheel, constantly booked but never scaling & never able to get off the wheel

  • Your overwhelmed with all of the free tips and information out there that you feel like its just impossible to keep up and be consistent

  • You're spread to thin, working high volume weddings, trying to be a mum, look after yourself and still have a life. 

  • Your simply struggling to spin your many, many plates!

If you're ready to jump in, dig deep and transform your bridal business....

If you're going to commit to yourself to finally break through your limiting beliefs, do the work and show up, then I promise that together, we can change your life!!

You don't have to do this alone! I am here to help you navigate this, get the clarity you need and give you the tools to help you smash your goals!!



The Startup Package

Kick start your business with brand development, a luxury website and more!



The Team Builder Package

Build your own hair & makeup team, expand your reach, earn more income and start your community!


Imagine this.......

  • You're working and living how you choose, authentically and unapologetically for YOU!!

  • You're attracting the jobs you enjoy, while having the confidence to apply boundaries and earn your worth!

  • You have more time to see friends and family!

  • You're feeling confident and strong as your own individual artist and building better relationships in the industry.

  • You have the confidence & knowledge to plan and reach your business goals, with the strength and accountability to sustain them!

  • Your business is streamlined and organised for a better work life balance!

brand development

How has it helped others like you??

Check out the results from my recent case studies and see for yourself! 

let's work towards the life you want!

Book your
Discovery call now!

elevate your business

Ways we can work together to

1:1 business coaching
1:1 coaching
business coach


"Cut out all the noise, get clear on your branding and

start attracting your ideal bride!"

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